all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 3AX 22 11 52.204389 0.122453
CB2 3AH 9 8 52.202652 0.124536
CB2 3AP 1 1 52.203611 0.123748
CB2 3AR 17 15 52.203004 0.123747
CB2 3AS 1 1 52.202429 0.123984
CB2 3BU 1 1 52.20527 0.121983
CB2 3DS 2 2 52.203626 0.122693
CB2 3BZ 20 20 52.204697 0.122863
CB2 3DA 1 1 52.204262 0.123047
CB2 3DD 1 1 52.204697 0.122863
CB2 3DT 1 1 52.203415 0.12166
CB2 3DY 1 1 52.202887 0.121518
CB2 3DZ 1 1 52.202887 0.121518
CB2 3EA 1 1 52.202887 0.121518
CB2 3EB 1 1 52.202887 0.121518
CB2 3EG 1 1 52.202887 0.121518
CB2 3EH 1 1 52.202887 0.121518
CB2 3EJ 1 1 52.202887 0.121518
CB2 3EL 5 3 52.202978 0.123204
CB2 3EN 1 1 52.202887 0.121518